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About me:

Hi, my name is Ahmed Souadi and I am the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Armoured for Life. For as long as I can remember, looking after both my mental and physical health has been a top priority in my life and as a result, this passion developed into a lifelong career in the world of health and fitness. My first degree was in Experimental Sciences, followed by a further degree in Sports and Physical Education and I am currently completing my MSc in Strength and Conditioning at St Mary’s University. My previous work experience includes working as PE Teacher and then I was appointed as Fitness Coach Leader and Co-ordinator in the Military.  I am qualified personal trainer as a well as a swimming and athletics Coach. Back in 2018 I had a vision of creating a community strength and conditioning programme which focuses on using physical activity to improve mental health. This vision turned into the creation of Armoured For Life and this is where you will currently find me, I run both face to face group and online programmes where I develop bespoke individual training plans to support a range of client needs.


I believe that as a person we are defined by the morals, values and principles that we live by in our everyday lives and as a result my coaching philosophy and the way I support and train people are based upon:


  • Autonomy, Motivation, Determination and Practice

  • Creativity

  • Respect, Discipline and Self-esteem

  • Camaraderie

  • Support (listening, asking for feedback, adapting and helping)

  • Honesty and Equality

  • Patience


I currently work with clients from all walks of life and fitness levels, and provide a variety of services which include:


  • Development of bespoke strength and conditioning programmes

  • 1:1 and group training sessions

  • Supporting clients with specific goals whether this is to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, for specific sport related goals or competitions, for aesthetic reasons, improving fitness levels, and improving strength and confidence.

  • Nutrition guidance, education and support

  • Mindset Coaching

  • Community and family sessions

  • Bespoke consultancy services (for schools, charities, team sports and more)


If you are interested in working with me or finding out how I can support you or your organisation please get in touch.

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Client Testimonials

Ahmed has coached me for over 6 months and the first quality I noticed was his passion for his profession. He always makes you feel welcome and at ease when attending training camps. Even if you have not done this type of training before, Ahmed takes the time to explain and demonstrate techniques to achieve correct form and the best results. He will always drive you to achieve more than you believe you are capable of. I feel he has a way of bringing the best out of people.



At Armoured coach Ahmed is fantastic. I have trained with him previously so as soon as I heard he was setting up his own training program I signed up straight away. Ahmed is absolutely brilliant at getting the very best out of you every session. The program constantly evolves to keep you motivated and making the best progress. I would recommend this program to anyone looking to make proper gains in fitness and strength.



Joining Armoured is the best thing I’ve done in years. I can honestly say I look forward to every session. There is a real team spirit and Ahmed is a true inspiration, he pushes you to the max but I always leave with a smile on my face.



At Armoured they know just how much to push you by tracking and following your results. If you want your training to be progressive and to constantly evolve to suit your own personal physical and health needs, then Ahmed is the best coach. When I found out Ahmed was setting up Armoured for Life I wanted to be part of it. Having always liked to keep active, Ahmed seems to know when you are not pushing yourself enough and always manages to get you to achieve just that bit more. A great coach and friend.


When I joined Armoured I did so because I knew Ahmed. I knew that this new venture of his would be second to none. Having known what he was like at a previous gym I liked the way he put together training programs that were designed to test people of all levels of strength and fitness. I feel that every session is tailor made just for me and the only way that this can be done is by getting to know me. Not just how I train but also who I am, building great friendships along the way. This shows at the end of each session, it’s great to stretch and catch up with the other members. Just recently we arranged a charity 5k run and a Rough Runner obstacle Race which was so much fun and a great chance to meet up with members families and get to know them. This has built quite a community feel to the group, knowing that there is always someone looking out for you. Someone to share good news and bad. At the end of the day my mental health is just as important to me as my physical health and Armoured people know this. We are just as much about our Brains as we are Braun and only too happy to go out for a group Breakfast on a Sunday morning or meet up for a coffee. The effort we put into our physical exercise is definitely matched by how we socialise. We don’t follow strict diets or food programs but if we do want to set ourselves some targets you will always find someone to help and give hints and tips or recipes.



Coach Ahmed is amazing, such a great personality for spurring you on and keeping you from giving up, helping you to push through your barriers every time.  He also understands the different abilities of everyone in the class, modifying exercises where necessary so that no matter what your ability you can still join in.   Always happy to explain the science.  He showed me that it was important to exercise and push through the limitations of my leg, to make it work despite my muscles screaming at me.  From my first beep test 7 months ago reaching just 1.4 (at the point where I couldn’t run and hadn’t been able to do so since I was a child) I have steadily progressed to nearly level 5 which for me is fantastic and is progress.  I can run for a bus or train now without any worries!  That is an achievement.  I even ran a 5km in March this year, although I might rest up the distance running shoes for a while now whilst I work on those muscles more.


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